Monday 24 November 2014

Tattoo Removal Cream – Does It Really Work?

Tattoo removal creams had a ton of publicity due to some very effective marketing a few years ago. Indeed there is great need for an easy over the counter solution to remove a tattoo. Laser tattoo removal is expensive, uncomfortable, and take a long time. The age old saying remains true for tattoo removal creams “If it’s too good to be true, then it probably is.”
Do tattoo removal creams really work? The answer is NO. Here’s why.
Tattoo removal creams DO NOT work!
Tattoo removal creams contain chemicals such as Hydroquinone, Kojic Acid, Alpha Arbutin and TCA. These chemicals are intended to dissolve the tattoo from the skin. The problem is, they don’t work. At best, they may fade a tattoo but they won’t provide you a complete removal.
Why don’t tattoo removal creams work?
Simple. These tattoo removal creams, such as Wrecking Balm, Tat B Gone, and Fade-Away are not effective in removing the tattoo ink stored in the “dermis” or secondary layer of the skin. This is where tattoo ink is stored in the body. If the cream cannot target this area of the skin, then it simply cannot work!At best, the fading cream can reach epidermis layer (top layer) of the skin, causing some fading of the tattoo. Caution though, tattoo removal creams are known to burn, irritate the skin and cause scarring.

Does Tattoo Removal Cream Really Works?
Proof: Tattoo Removal Cream Does Not Work
  • Many Doctors states that tattoo removal creams do not work.
  • WMBF News, an NBC affiliate, did a story on tattoo removal creams. They found that they do not work.
  • If you search Amazon for “tattoo removal creams” there are none that have more than 2 stars. Negative ratings indicate a negative product. (Be wary of fake positive reviews)


    Article Sources:

Thursday 30 October 2014

Laser Tattoo Removal - Side Effects, Safety & Cost

What Are the Possible Side Effects of Laser Tattoo Removal?

There are minimal side effects to laser tattoo removal. However, you should consider these factors in your decision:

  • The tattoo removal site is at risk for infection. You may also risk lack of complete pigment removal, and there is a slight chance that the treatment can leave you with a permanent scar.
  • You may also risk hypopigmentation, where the treated skin is paler than surrounding skin, or hyperpigmentation, where the treated skin is darker than surrounding skin.
  • Cosmetic tattoos like lip liner, eyeliner, and eyebrows may darken following treatment with tattoo removal lasers. Further treatment of the darkened tattoos usually results in fading.

natural tattoo removal

Is Laser Tattoo Removal Safe?

Thanks to newer technology, laser tattoo removal has become much more effective with very little risk of scarring. Laser treatment is often safer than many traditional methods such as excision, dermabrasion or salabrasion (using moist gauze pads saturated with a salt solution to abrade the tattooed area) because of its unique ability to selectively treat pigment involved in the tattoo.
In many cases, certain colors may be more effectively removed than others. It is known that blue/black tattoos respond particularly well to laser treatment -- the response of other colors is under investigation.
Remember, the information provided here is designed to provide general information only and is not a replacement for a doctor's advice. For details pertaining to your specific case, please arrange a consultation with a physician experienced in the use of tattoo lasers.

Does Insurance Cover Laser Tattoo Removal?

Since tattoo removal is a personal option in most cases and is considered a cosmetic procedure, most insurance carriers will not cover the process unless it is medically necessary. Physicians or surgery centers practicing tattoo removal may also require payment in full on the day of the procedure. If you are considering tattoo removal, be sure to discuss associated costs up front and obtain all charges in writing before you undergo any treatment.

natural tattoo removal

How Much Does It Cost to Remove a Tattoo?

Something to think about BEFORE you get that tattoo is the fact that having a tattoo removed is much more expensive than having one put on. Laser tattoo removal can range from several hundred dollars up into the thousands of dollars, depending upon the size, type and location of the tattoo and the number of visits required. More bad news is that medical insurance generally doesn't pay for tattoo removal, since it is considered aesthetic or cosmetic in nature. (Traumatic tattoos, which result from accidents or injury, are a different matter.)
Because this is a medical procedure, make sure to see a dermatologic surgeon who specializes in tattoo removal. Check with the American Society for Laser Medicine & Surgery or the American Society of Dermatologic Surgeons for a referral or ask your own doctor for the name of a specialist in your area. (Some tattoo parlors also provide tattoo removal services. Before you sign on, make sure the person doing the removal is a medical doctor who specializes in laser surgery! Tattoo removal, like tattoo application, carries with it the risk of infection and must be handled with extreme care.)
If you're a young person trying to escape gang life and you don't have the money to get those tell-tale tattoos removed, your tattoo doesn't have to last forever. Check this out: 


Sunday 26 October 2014

Laser Tattoo Removal - Benefit & Expectation

It is estimated that close to 25% of the U.S. population has some sort of tattoo. Eventually, as many as 50% of them want to have laser tattoo removal.
There is good news for those who have an unwanted body design. Newer laser tattoo removal techniques can eliminate your tattoo with minimal side effects. Here's how it works: lasers remove tattoos by breaking up the pigment colors of the tattoo with a high-intensity light beam.
Black tattoo pigment absorbs all laser wavelengths, making it the easiest to treat. Other colors can only be treated by selected lasers based upon the pigment color.
Who Can Benefit From Laser Tattoo Removal?
Because each tattoo is unique, removal techniques must be tailored to suit each individual case. In the past, tattoos could be removed by a wide variety of methods but, in many cases, the scars were more unsightly than the tattoo itself.
Patients with previously treated tattoos may also be candidates for laser therapy. Tattoos that have not been effectively removed by other treatments or through home remedies may respond well to laser therapy providing the prior treatments did not result in excessive scarring.

How Do I Find a Reputable Doctor to Do Laser Tattoo Removal?

To have a tattoo removed, you want to make sure you find a reputable dermatologist or cosmetic surgery center to ensure proper treatment and care. If possible, you should obtain a recommendation from your family doctor for a dermatologist or skin surgery center that specializes in tattoo removal.

What Can I Expect During Laser Tattoo Removal?

Depending on the size and color of your tattoo, the number of treatments will vary. Your tattoo may be removed in two to four visits, though it may take as many as 10 more sessions. You should schedule a consultation, during which time a trained professional will evaluate your personal situation and advise you on the process.
Treatment with the laser varies from patient to patient depending on the age, size, and type of tattoo (amateur or professional). The color of the patient's skin, as well as the depth to which the tattoo pigment extends, will also affect the removal technique. NATURAL TATTOO REMOVAL
In general, this is what will happen during an office visit for tattoo removal using the newer lasers:
  • Protective eye shields are placed on the patient.
  • The skin's reaction to the laser is tested to determine the most effective energy for treatment.
  • The treatment itself consists of placing a hand piece against the surface of the skin and activating the laser light. As many patients describe it, each pulse feels like a grease splatter or the snapping of a rubber band against the skin.
  • Smaller tattoos require fewer pulses while larger ones require more. In either case, the tattoo requires several treatments and multiple visits. At each treatment, the tattoo should become progressively lighter.
  • Immediately following treatment, an ice pack is applied to soothe the treated area. The patient will then be asked to apply a topical antibiotic cream or ointment. A bandage or patch will be used to protect the site and it should likewise be covered with a sun block when out in the sun.
Most patients do not require any anesthesia. However, depending on the location of the tattoo and the pain threshold for the patient, the physician may elect to use some form of anesthesia (topical anesthesia cream or painkiller injections at the site of the procedure).

Looking for other treatment that is less in spending your money? 

Thursday 3 July 2014

All You Need To Know About Tattoo & It's Removal Things - Natural Tattoo Removal

So you didn't believe your Mom when she said you'd regret getting that tattoo -- the multicolored, fire-breathing dragon that starts at the small of your back, reaches up to your shoulder blades and wraps its orange flames around your biceps. Now, a mere seven years later, you have a shot at a terrific job in banking, still one of the more conservative businesses around, and you are concerned that your symbol of youthful self-expression could create problems in your new career.
Well, you're not alone. Tattoos have become part of American mainstream culture over the past couple of decades. Some estimate that more than 10 million Americans have at least one tattoo, and there are about 4,000 tattoo studios now in business in the United States. One busy physician who specializes in tattoo removal -- he's removed tattoos from some of the most famous tattoo artists -- estimates that about 50 percent of those who get tattoos later regret them. For years, these people had little recourse, and existing removal techniques were invasive (requiring surgery) and painful. But that's changing.

Can All Tattoos Be Removed?

Most dermatologic surgeons caution that complete tattoo removal is not possible. Tattoos are meant to be permanent, so removing them is difficult. Few surgeons guarantee complete removal. Having said that, there are several methods of tattoo removal which have proven effective. The degree of remaining color variations or blemishes depends upon several factors, including size, location, the individual's ability to heal, how the tattoo was applied and how long it has been in place. For example, a tattoo applied by a more experienced artist may be easier to remove since the pigment was evenly injected in the same level of the skin. New tattoos may also be more difficult to remove than old ones.
Doctors say they can't predict the exact degree of removal because they generally don't know which of the 100 tattoo inks available today were used. (The U.S. Food and Drug Administration currently lists tattoo pigments as "color additives," which are intended only for application to the top layer of the skin.) Consult with a removal specialist -- be sure to take a list of questions along.

What Methods Are Used for Tattoo Removal?

Before lasers became popular for tattoo removal starting in the late 1980s, removal involved the use of one or more of these often-painful, often scar-inducing surgeries:
  • Dermabrasion, where skin is "sanded" to remove the surface and middle layers;
  • Cryosurgery, where the area is frozen prior to its removal;
  • Excision, where the dermatologic surgeon removes the tattoo with a scalpel and closes the wound with stitches (In some cases involving large tattoos, a skin graft from another part of the body may be necessary.).
Although the procedures above are still used in certain cases today, lasers (Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation) have become the standard treatment for tattoo removal because they offer a bloodless, low risk, effective alternative with minimal side effects. Each procedure is done on an outpatient basis in a single or series of visits. Patients may or may not require topical or local anesthesia.
As early as the 1960s, lasers had been developed for industrial uses. When researchers developed lasers that emitted wavelengths of light in short flashes called pulses, medical use became viable. These lasers can effectively remove tattoos with a low risk of scarring, according to the American Academy of Dermatology . The type of laser used to remove a tattoo depends on the tattoo's pigment colors. (Yellow and green are the hardest colors to remove; blue and black are the easiest.)The three lasers developed specifically for use in tattoo removal use a technique known as Q-switching, which refers to the laser's short, high-energy pulses:
  • the Q-switched Ruby,
  • the Q-switched Alexandrite,
  • the Q-switched Nd: YAG, the newest system in this class of lasers and particularly advanced in the removal of red, blue and black inks

Does Tattoo Removal Hurt and What Can I Expect?

The unfortunate thing about tattoos is that both getting them and having them taken off can be uncomfortable. The impact of the energy from the laser's powerful pulse of light has been described as similar to getting hot specks of bacon grease on your skin or being snapped by a thin rubber band. Because black pigment absorbs all laser wavelengths, it's the easiest to remove. Other colors, such as green, selectively absorb laser light and can only be treated by selected lasers based on the pigment color.
In preparation for a laser procedure, doctors recommend that non-aspirin products, like Tylenol, be used for minor aches and pains prior to the procedure, because aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents such as Ibuprofen can produce pronounced bruising after treatment.
Further pre-treatment steps might include the application of a prescription anesthetic cream two hours before the laser session. It is wiped off just before laser surgery begins. (Some patients say they don't need this. Others prefer to have a local anesthetic injected into the tattoo prior to laser therapy. Pinpoint bleeding is sometimes associated with the procedure.) Then pulses of light from the laser are directed onto the tattoo, breaking up the pigment. Over the next few weeks, the body's scavenger cells remove pigment residues.
More than one treatment, which actually only takes minutes, is usually needed to remove an entire tattoo -- the number of sessions depends on the amount and type of ink used and how deeply it was injected. Three-week intervals between sessions are required to allow pigment residue to be absorbed by the body.
Following treatment, the doctor will apply an antibacterial ointment and dressing to the area, which should be kept clean with continued application of ointment as directed by your doctor. A shower or bath the day after treatment is okay, but the treatment area should not be scrubbed. Your skin might feel slightly sunburned for a couple of days and the treated area may remain red for a few weeks. The site might also form a scab, which should be handled gently. After healing, the site will gradually and continually fade.
Side effects of laser procedures are generally few but may include hyperpigmentation, or an abundance of color in the skin at the treatment site, and hypopigmentation, where the treated area lacks normal skin color. Other possible side effects include infection of the site, lack of complete pigment removal and a 5 percent chance of permanent scarring.

Friday 23 May 2014

What Are The Cheaper Methods To Remove a Tattoo? -->> NATURAL TATTOO REMOVAL

Many people are steering towards how to remove tattoos at home due to the price that is charged to get unwanted ink removed via surgery by a professional. With the advancement of science there are now a few methods which are so simple that you can buy them and use them yourself in the comfort of your own home.
Laser Surgery
This method of tattoo removal is the most popular method at the moment because it is known to work on pretty much all ink. The only problem with this method is that it is expensive and painful.
When looking at this method you are looking to pay about $150/£100 minimum per session and you'll have to go through sessions regularly to achieve complete removal! Not only that but throughout the surgery you'll feel pain and you'll also get permanent scarring and you could end up with skin growing back lighter (or darker) than it was previously.
What Are The Cheaper Methods?
In a quick breakdown there are 3 other methods which you can use for tattoo removal that will cost you less than going through surgery and these are: 
  • Chemical Peel (TCA or Glycolic acid)
  • This method has been used for many skin care treatments and has now moved onto removing ink from the body. There have been studies ran which prove that these products actually work for 80-90% of people.
  • The only downside (apart from chances of scarring due to the acid burning through the skin) is that you'll have to buy the product regularly to get rid of the tattoo and even then you'll be left with a scar.
  • Tattoo Removal Cream
Unlike chemical peels there are no scientific studies that actually prove that removal creams work. These creams are designed to just be applied to the skin and they will just break the tattoo pigment down to allow the body to get rid of the ink. The only problem of this method is that the only proof of it working is on the internet and there are also people who claim it doesn't work and for $120+ for two months worth you are looking at a lot of money to spend on something that may not work. 
  • Natural Removal
A method which is slowly becoming more popular to remove tattoos at home is natural removal. This method only uses natural ingredients so the chances of you getting a reaction is really good plus you won't get any side-effects such as scarring and abrasion that some of the other expensive methods cost.
These 3 low cost natural tattoo removal methods are cheaper than surgery and are also three methods that you can use as a home tattoo removal.

Thursday 1 May 2014

[HOT TIPS!!] How To Remove a Tattoo at Home - Before and After Natural Tattoo Removal

Looking for Natural Tattoo Removal Tips? Click play button on the image to watch.


  1. Mix together an equal parts of aloe vera gel & vitamin E oil.
  2. Apply the mixture onto the tattoo in circular motions by using Q-Tips.
  3. Leave the mixture to soak into the skin for a few minutes.
  4. Wash the area with col water.
  5. Repeat this process 2-3 times per day for about 3-4 weeks.

*Do the process after taking a shower so that your pores are open and your skin is warm.

Monday 21 April 2014

[[STEP BY STEP]] Natural Tattoo Removal - How To Remove Tattoos at Home Naturally

The art of tattoos has long been looked at as a way of self-expression, and it has been known for longer than you realize. Nevertheless, this body art just flourishes recently as a greater number of people have been taking it up. However, the good news is the undeniable fact that they will last forever, and this is maybe one of the main benefits not to mention disadvantages of this kind of body art. As a matter of fact, the place that you work restrictions, the name of a forgotten partner you no longer wish to keep, or the changes of your own belief are a few of the causes which make you want to find out the best way to remove tattoos at your home. 

Below these are a lot of well-guaranteed steps that you should follow for removing your tattoo as less painfully as possible and totally in safety. You should take your tattoo off with the following simple steps at home in natural ways. This is among the most powerful home remedies that are well-known to fade a tattoo naturally. 

1.      Making Up Your Mind: 
You should ensure that you really want to remove your tattoo and that you will not regret about it. If you have started this process, you will not be able to go back. If you feel that is a mistake to get tattooed in haste, you should remove it on impulse. You need to take a careful, hard look at the tattooed region in your mirror. After all, you just should go ahead if you are sure that you really want to remove the tattoo. 

2.      Gathering The Items:
If you are determined whether or not remove the tattoos, you should gather all the tools that are needed for the removing process. These contain:
  • A sterile bandage or gauze
  • An antibiotic cream
  • A cup containing 2 tbsp of ground salt
  • A gauze sponge
  • An unscented antibacterial soap/sudsing emulsion agent
  • A bowl of water
  • A hand towel
  • A shaving razor

3.      Boiling Water: 
You should pour boiled water into a medium-sized bowl to disinfect it. Then, allow the water to cool until you can proceed to the next steps. 

4.      Shaving The Region:
You will need to shave the inked region to eliminate hair on it. This will make the process less painful and more efficient.

5.      Cleaning The Area:
You should use a sudsing emulsion agent or non-fragrant antibacterial soap with slightly warm water to wash your tattooed spot. This will help to disinfect the skin area that you want to clear. Then, you need to use a hand towel to dry the area. You should ask a doctor to recommend a good antibacterial sudsing emulsion agent to achieve good results.

6.      Applying Warm Compresses:
You need to moisturize a piece of cloth or towel by dipping it into boiled water. You should press the moist, warm cloth onto the tattooed area to make it wet slightly. This will speed up the tattoo removing process and make it much more easily with not too much pain. 

Moreover, I recommend you drink more super healthy juices taken from fresh veggies and fruits because juices are really good for skin recovery.

7.      Salinating Water And Sponge:
You should dip the gauze sponge into the still warm water to moisturize it. Then, you need to roll it through a small ground salt pile repeatedly. This will salinate the water absorbed in it. In fact, salt from the ground is an efficient exfoliating agent that if you rub it over your skin, you will be able to eliminate many layers of the latter. You just need continue to roll the sponge till salt stops dissolving. 

In fact, the removing process can leave scars if you do it not carefully enough. Thus, I recommend you learning ways to clear scars and skin tags.

9.      Cleaning The Area:
You need to wait within 2 hours. When the inked area has dried, you need to wash it with cold water thoroughly within about 5 to 10 mins. You will see some ink washed away when you soak the spot within water and rinse it. If your see your skin is bleeding, you should soak a clean hand cloth in hydrogen peroxide and cover area to stop bleeding fast. You can also apply vitamin E on the inked region to decrease the risk of scar tissue and speed up the healing process. Vitamin E will also help to relieve inflammation of tissues and the pain. 

Besides, after removing tattoos, your treated skin area will be vulnerable and sensitive. Thus, you should learn simple yet useful ways to take care of skin after the healing process.

10.      Covering The Spot:
You need to allow the tattooed region to dry itself. You can also use a clean hand cloth to dry the region before applying antibiotic cream onto it. You should use a sterile gauze or bandage to cover the area and hold it with the first aid tape. This can help to protect your skin area from infection. 

11.      Checking For Infection:
You should take the dressing off after 3 days for checking the removed skin area. If the region has reddened or turned to be extremely painful, might be it is infected. It will be needed for you to ask a physician if you suspect a case of infection. 

Besides you should consume more super foods that boost health to speed up the healing process.

12.      Repeating Treatment:
If you see small formation of scab, you will have to wait the scab for falling off. The tattooed region will be lighter than other areas. You should repeat this process until you see the ink significantly faded. This process can work for both old and fresh, as well as color and black-and-white tattoos.

13.      Points To Note: 
  • You should apply a strip of sterile gauze and also antiseptic ointment on the treated area after each application.
  • You should use ground salt instead of sea salt because it can hurt your skin. 
  • If you have recently cut or hurt the area in some way, it will be sensible to avoid this remedy as salt will cause pain if your skin is torn. 
  • This process can leave large scars if you carry it out in improper way. If you are not sure whether or not you can do it the right way, you should call for professional help instead of removing tattoo totally by your own at home. The spot can feel itchy and numb for many days after the treatment session. Nevertheless, the results will be worthwhile if you are ready to deal with such issues.
All of the above tips on how to remove tattoos at home are proven to work effectively for a lot of people. I have studied them for a long time, and now, I am glad to share them with anyone who desires to clear skin from unwanted tattoos within a short time.  If you feel the tips on how to remove tattoos at home I offer in this article are really useful for your current expectation, just feel free to leave all your comments/feedbacks at the end of this post. 


Sunday 9 March 2014


The traditional world used a more natural solution for anything, which obviously extended their life span and these people were considerably more energetic and healthier than we are actually today. Tattooing is a way to show yourself and so is your decision to take it off, you don’t really need to live with the tattoos you feel disappointed about.

You can use a mixture of 12 natural items to remove your tattoo, they provide you with no negative effects, they are definitely 100% natural, they cause no skin scarring and they are absolutely cheap besides they work each and every time, regardless of how dark they are, what age they are or what pigments are being utilized.

Let’s get back behind how a tattoo leaves a mark in beginning of the process so that you can better learn how natural products assure removing them. Modern electric tattoo guns create a very large number puncture wounds in the skin to inject tattoo pigment and shape the tattoo. The ink particles are effectively trapped by a network of connective tissue within kinds of cell called a Fibroblast. This is actually the connective tissue generated fibers such as collagen. This whole process causes damage towards the epidermis as well as dermis and they become blended together as a result of the mutilated layer that normally separates the two.

Our bodies respond by bleeding at the skin's surface having been a result of severed capillaries. Your immune system responds by swelling to shut down the flow of blood. The immune response cells then begin cleaning up by sending the ink across the lymph node nearest the tattoo site. At first the ink is dispersed in the upper area of the skin, but within 1 to 2 weeks it becomes more concentrated in a single area as new tissue begins to develop all around the ink and traps it in the dermal fibroblasts.

After about at least a month the two layers of skin have healed sufficient to trap the ink and within three months period the tattoo ink is fully surrounded by connecting ligament which will hold the ink in place. As time passes, usually many years, without a doubt it is going to begin to subside deeper into the dermis, or second layer of skin making removal even more complicated.


So the main point here is to improve the immune cells which amplify the possibilities of ink movement (letting go the trapped ink pigments) thus accelerating the fading of the tattoo. The natural merchandise is capable to produce this apoptotic action which lets our own body’s immunity system to break up the foreign tattoo ink pigments which eventually are expelled with the assistance of lymphatic system.

For instance, there’s a magic herb that significantly boosts the collagen content of cell layer fibronectin, is anti-inflammatory and stimulates wound healing with its ingredients asiaticoside. Asiatic acid is truly the constituent liable for the collagen synthesis stimulation (occurs in dermal layers where the tattoo ink can be found). There exist such a vast amount of other natural tattoo removal products and ingredients that have these amazing properties that basically activates our own body’s immune system to carry out the task without hurting you, without leaving scars, without spending $300 per session.

Need more information about NATURAL TATTOO REMOVAL? 

Monday 10 February 2014

First You Love It, Next you Don't - Tattoo Removal

A tattoo is supposed to be permanent. Unfortunately, what a person may desire today may not be what he or she wants two or twenty years from now. Both the procedure of and price of getting a tattoo are relatively minor compared to having it removed in the future. It may be advisable to take into cosideration the facts before visiting a nearby tattoo artist with design and cash in hand.
Natural tattoo removal
Two of the most very popular techniques for removing an unwanted tattoo are also two of the most unsatisfactory. The first method involves removing a piece of skin coming from a less-noticeable part of your body, and grafting it on top of the tattoo. This odd kind of "plastic surgery" covers up the tattoo, but generally leaves tissue scarring, as the skin is not in its normal state. Another popular way is just to make an appointment with tattoo artist and have another design tattooed on top of the unwanted one. By way of this method, the black outline from the original tattoo will be noticeable through the new one; having a much larger the first, and the greater amount of black ink it has, the more difficult it will be to cover it.
Natural tattoo removal
A surgical method which is equally if not more unsatisfactory is called dermabrasion. In layman's terms, you can consider it as going at your skin with sandpaper. Even when the epilfree solution is performed by a licensed physician, you'll probably decide that the resulting scar is worse than the original tattoo. The rationale when it comes to the scarring is that removing a tattoo by this method means getting through the tattoo and the underlying skin. The scarring left by this method will leave that small portion your epidermis a much lighter color and a different texture than the surrounding skin. Of all tattoo removal methods currently in practice, dermabrasion is the method which will leave the most noticeable scarring.

Excision rarely presents a satisfactory alternative, either. As its name implies, the excision method of tattoo removal consists of having the tattoo surgically cut out of the skin, and the surrounding skin then sewed back together. The scar may not be as noticeable as one from the dermabrasion method, but the rather gruesome excision procedure itself more than makes up the difference in terms of a procedure which you will probably not like going through.
Natural tattoo removal
A large selection of creams are sold for tattoo removal. Tattoo artists claim that they are a waste of money and time, as they fail to work. Whatever new concoction is sold under the guise of being a sure method of eliminating a tattoo, a potential customer ought to keep in mind that since the tattoo is not simply on the top of the skin but deep into its layers, over-the-counter creams sold for this purpose will do little if any good. The chemical substance peel method which uses trichloroacetic acid produces some extent of results, as it actually removes the layers of the skin.
Natural tattoo removal
Currently, the use of lasers is one of the most common methods of tattoo removal. It is not as simple as it may sound, however. First, depending on size and details of the artwork, removal by laser can take up to ten sessions in order to achieve a degree of results. One source states that each session can cost between $250-$850 per session. It has been said that the laser removal method can be quite painful.

The latest tattoo removal method is Intense Pulsated Light Therapy. Although it is said to be to be less painful, and produces better results than removal by laser, it is also much more expensive.